Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wonderful Shoot With J

Photo By: J Photogj

The Finalé Spring Collection

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spring Collection at The Finale

Final walk of the Spring Collection at The Finalé

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thank You

I remember being younger and just dreaming, back when it was just me pencil and a paper. Now It's me sewing machine and 20+ models. Fifth-teen shows later, three years later all I can say is, thank you everyone for the love that you all have shown and given. I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of you, god or my mother. Stay tuned for more greatness and even more fashion from Jahi. - Akili J.

Behind the Designs : The Finale'

To A Queen, Thanks Mom

For all the things I didn't say, About how I felt along the way For the love you gave and the work you've done, Here's appreciation from your admiring son. You cared for me as a little tot, When all I did was cry a lot, And as I grew your work did too I ran and fell and got black and blue. I grew some more and it didn't stop; Now you had to become a cop, To worry about mistakes I'd make; You kept me in line for my own sake. I got older, and the story repeated; You were always there whenever I needed. You guided me and wished me the best, I became wiser and knew I was blessed. So, for all the times I didn't say, The love I felt for you each day, Mom, read this so you can always see Just how much you mean to me. Mom, Thanks for everything!

Jahi on Fox 28

Being on Television was one of the most scariest moments in my fashion life so far. I've never been so nervous, but it was a successful interview.

Girlfriends Talk Magazine

Spread & cover Of the April Issue.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Senior Fashion Show

I haven't updated my blog in forever it feels. So I'll update you on hats been going on. I've been working on my senior fashion show. Though there is no location other details are complete. I'll showcase a spring collection as well as a fall collection. Alot of thought has gone into both collections and ho they will be shown. I'm so excited & hope everyone that reads my blog will attend my last show before I go off to college.